Monday, October 10, 2011

We're Here!

Yay!!! We are loving being at Gramma and Papa's house! Clara has had a wonderful time today reading and playing with Uncle Joel (cascades of laughter came from the living room for an hour and a half this morning), making and playing with pink play dough with Gramma and Papa, swinging on the neighbors' swing set and running a few errands in the evening. We are so happy to be here and have a special time to relax and enjoy extended family.

Traveling together has reminded me how incredibly perceptive my little girl is. She notices everything. Being in a new house, she picks up on all the things that are different and quickly learns the lay of the land. She hears all the new sounds outside (different birds, airplanes going overhead), wants to know where each person sleeps ("Where's Mama's bedroom? Where's Gramma's bedroom? Who made this bedroom for me?"), who sits where at the table, whose potty she is using ("Gramma share her potty with me?"), etc. She also quickly got Uncle Joel's number down and was charming and twisting him around her finger in no time at all. :)

Clara is so thrilled to be at Gramma's house and was worried today when we talked about going to her neighbor's house to swing. "I no want go to neighbor's house, Mama! I no leave Gramma's house. I stay at Gramma's house! I no want to go!" We finally convinced her that it was close enough and Gramma would come too. It is so sweet to see her settling right in and feeling at home in no time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tomorrow Gramma will comb her hair before playing with play dough in case there is a roving photographer in the house.

    Seriously, we are soooooo happy you are here and glad Clara was worried about leaving so soon. Can't wait for another fun day tomorrow!
