Sunday, October 2, 2011

Uncle Scott

Meet Uncle Scott. Clara actually has two Uncle Scotts - Luke's brother, who lives in Montana, and the man you see here, one of our very dear friends. He was one of the very first people outside of our family that Clara let hold her when she was little. She loves her Uncle Scott (who has four girls of his own) and as you can see, he loves her too! Tonight Clara was sitting next to me at dinner and said, "I go see my Uncle Scott?" We are so blessed to have sweet surrogate family here where we are so far away from our blood relatives.

There are few things better than watching my terrific kiddo enjoying the wonderful people God has placed in our lives. What a blessing!

1 comment:

  1. What a good picture of both of them! We're thankful for Uncle Scott and all the Niles, too!
