Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Dear Jesus..."

Clara has been loving her little dolls and dollhouse the past few days. Today she decided the dolls needed to eat lunch with us. We prayed (her holding hands with one doll, me with the other doll) and she began eating, sharing bites of her yogurt with them at times. Then she put a few peas on their table. Then she decided she needed to pray with them again.

"Dear Jesus, thank you for this day... thank you for this day... thank you for this day... thank you for Jesus... for Jesus help us... for all things He give us... Jesus name AMEN!!"
Oh my, talk about adorable! I have wanted to snap a picture of her during prayers for awhile now because it's so cute how she bows her head and closes her eyes but I haven't wanted to interrupt prayers (since I'm usually holding her hand). So I took advantage of not being included in the prayer this time to snap a few.

She also prayed for our dinner with Daddy. Most of the time when she prays it's a lot of whispering/mumbling with a few discernible phrases - tonight they were from the Lord's Prayer, which she also joined in on at prayer meeting. Her memory is so sharp these days and it's such a joy and blessing to hear the things she comes up with. She amazes me with what a large portion of the books we read regularly she knows by heart, scripture she says to herself and songs she sings that I know she's only heard a few times. It motivates me to provide lots of great memory material right now while she's such a little sponge!

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