Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 30

We split open a fresh coconut today! Clara thought it was great fun, though she wasn't 100% sure about the coconut water or fresh meat. Her favorite parts were definitely shaking it and hearing the water inside and watching Daddy crack it open.

August 29

More fair fun! Clara and I headed to the Schaghticoke fair for the afternoon since admission was only $5 on opening day. We saw lots more animals and rode the merry go round! Although I was sitting with her for this picture, the operator told us only one rider per horse, so she rode all by herself! She was a little nervous at first (and this particular merry go round was pretty herky-jerky!) but was a brave girl and loved it by the end. We had another great time and, as expected, Clara did not want to leave at all.

August 28

Early morning walking through the puddles.

August 27

Letting "her" chickens out in the morning with baby Joy.

August 26

Drawing on Gordon and Alice's back porch.

August 25

Poor little girl was sick in the afternoon, but enjoyed snuggles on the couch, lots of reading and Thomas the Tank Engine.

August 24

Fair time! We had a blast at the Washington County Fair, petting all sorts of animals, watching pig races and dog agility, petting some more animals, watching the "best dressed sheep and goat" contest, petting more animals and sampling fair food (including free ice cream cones from Stewarts!). Oh, and did I mentioned we petted a lot of animals?!  Clara also rode on the big ferris wheel with Daddy and loved every minute of it. She can't wait for the fair to come back next year!

August 23

Little helper: patting tart dough into a pie plate for our roasted tomato and kale tart. I am so blessed by her helpful spirit!

August 22

Busy mama: on her "phone" while carrying her baby to check on the chickens.

August 21

Having a blast at "the big playground," as she calls it. Some things (including the bigger kids) were a little intimidating, but she was brave, settled in after a little while and had a great time.

August 20

Coloring in a coloring book that Ms. Alice gave her. Love her concentration and color choices!

August 19

Visiting on Mr. Gordon and Ms. Alice's back patio - one of Clara's favorite places to be!

August 18

The best blocks are the ones you find by the fire ring.

August 17

Boy, do these two have fun together!

August 16

Making "chicken soup" with some spilled chicken feed, grass, sticks, pine needles... anything she could find!

August 15

This little kid just keeps getting bigger and bigger! At the playground, one of the swings was low enough for her to get on by herself, and she was figuring out how to pump in rhythm. For awhile, all 3 of us were swinging at the same time!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 14

Trying out the bow and arrows Daddy made for her. Thankfully, she still needs some help to use them!

August 13

Fun with pipe cleaners. We played with them almost all morning outside on our blanket.

August 12

Chickens!!! Lots of chickens!

August 11

Clara, caring for her friends' babies while they were away for the weekend. She sure loves on them!

August 10

On our walk in town she decided that she wanted to push the stroller for awhile. It was hard work, but she persisted and was successful!

August 9

Riding her "horse" to bed.

August 8

We love beets!

(ignore the papers in the background - they were picked up later this afternoon! =P)

August 7

All ready to pick tomatoes!

August 6

Mommy's helper, sweeping edition.

August 5

"Hmmm, what shall we do today, baby Joy?"

August 4

"Girls in boots."

August 3

Thoughtful girl.

August 2

My little helper: the supplement girl. Clara was so careful as she helped me feed in the mornings!

August 1

Fun with Jammer. Doesn't everyone hang out in bathing suits and rubber boots?

July 31

Telling Daddy a big story while taking out the manure.

July 30

Such a big helper!