Monday, October 3, 2011

Clara's Scarf

I had a hard time deciding on a picture today. That's not unusual, but today seemed to hold so many unique moments. What to pick? Clara sitting in the bathroom first thing in the morning, putting on my eyeshadow and calling, "Leave me 'lone, Mama!" while I got dressed? Having crazy fun in the fort we made on the couch (for the first time!)? "Helping" Daddy work on his truck? In the end I picked this one, coming out of the library, wearing her "scarf," which she had to have because Mama was wearing one. When I put mine on she immediately asked for it. When I told her no she started to have a fit, then ran out of the room. I thought she was mad but she returned a few moments later with this piece of cloth saying, "Mama, help me with my scarf!!" Good recovery, little girl! We have been praying every night that God would help Clara learn to control her emotions and her temper and He is certainly at work in her little life. Finding a substitute scarf on her own was a small but terrific moment for my little two-year-old.

1 comment:

  1. That's so victorious, definitely no small feat with a 2 year old emotional girl! We're having a lot of the same issues with Jeanine and boy, are the days long!? I'm glad to hear the Lord is working in her already <3
