Sunday, October 16, 2011


This afternoon Clara got to play catch with Uncle Thomas on the back porch. At first she just let the ball land somewhere near her, but after awhile she started catching on to the fact that she could try to get it with her hands, too. As you can see, she had a blast tossing it back and forth with Uncle Thomas!

Terrifically laughable moment: Clara's 2 hour non-nap this afternoon. She went from calling, "Mama! Maaaaaaamaaaaa!" to playing and talking to herself, to singing "ABCDEFG....." to momentary quiet (just long enough to make us say, "Did she finally fall asleep?") to saying, "It's a picture! Look, Mama! It's a flower picture! Look at picture Mama! A picture!" to fake laughing, to saying, "Mama! I'm obeying God, Mama! I'm obeying God," to singing a made-up song about God to screaming at the top of her lungs to jumping up and down while saying, "I'm BOUNCING! I'm bouncing in my CRIB!"

Most of the time we were laughing uproariously listening to her silliness over the monitor while simultaneously wishing the poor exhausted girl would just go to sleep! Finally, after 2 1/2 hours I went upstairs, only to discover that she had taken off her pants and fiddled with her diaper so it was barely on her and half the bed was wet. =P No wonder she couldn't sleep! Of course, she hadn't said anything about that over the monitor! She proceeded to tell me, "I just peed li'l bit Mama." Oh my goodness. She is certainly quite the entertainment! Hopefully she sleeps soundly and for an extra long time tonight to make up for the lack of sleep today!

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