Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with a Bang!

Don't worry, not a physical bang. Nobody's hurt. Unless you count our sides from laughing. Clara was in rare form today, I think she wanted to make sure we sent 2011 out with plenty of humor! It started the minute she got up, saw me in my bathrobe and immediately wanted to put hers on. Then, she stuck her finger up to the red light on the monitor in our bedroom, saw it turn red and instantly started jumping up and down, waving her arms around, off the wall excited asking, "Mommy?! Can I paint my fingernails?!?" So that's what she did first thing, before breakfast or anything this morning.

It's been awhile since she painted her nails and it was amazing to see how much more fine motor control she has these days! She ended up with much less polish on her fingers, and much more on her nails themselves. She was even getting really good at wiping the brush off after dipping it in the bottle so she didn't have too much polish.

Before dinner she was running back and forth, over and over, between the living room and the kitchen. All of a sudden she exclaimed, "I was trying to lose my mind! ..... but then I said, 'Yep!'" Not sure what that meant....

Then, at dinner, she turned to Luke and asked with great animation, "Where's my mind?!? ... Daddy, it's in your shop!" They went through a whole conversation about where her mind was - looking on the floor, on their chairs... Clara told Luke he sat on it! Then he told her it was in the bottom of her bowl and she should eat her rice to find it. She took one bite and said, "There it is!" Oh my.

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