Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Tonight we had dinner with the Niles and it is always so nice to see them again when it's been awhile - even if it's just been 10 days or so since we've spent time together, it always feels like so much longer! Clara had a blast seeing her friends and Annabelle had a great time showing Clara her Christmas presents. It was so sweet to see them just head off together, deep in conversation. We are so thankful for such good buddies for our little girl!

On the way home tonight in the truck she was absolutely cracking me us up!! Snippets of our conversation went like this (picture each of Clara's lines said with as much emphasis and humor as you possibly can):
C: The panda was eating bamboo!
Me: Yes, he was!
C: That was silly! Was that funny Mom?!
Me: Was that funny to watch?
C: Uh huh. I don't eat bamboo. I not a panda!
Me: Nope, you're not!
C: Are you a panda, Mom? ... You're not a panda! Does Sadie eat bamboo? No, she not a panda! She doesn't eat bamboo!

We were listening most of the way home to a CD of hers that is Aesop's Fables for children, read by a few different people.
C: I don't 'member her name! This little girl is reading 'nuther story Mama! Do you 'member her name?
Me: No, I don't know her name.
C: I 'member her name.
Me: Oh.
C: When she finishes this story, that boy can read 'nuther story!
Me: Uh huh. (as you can tell, I add a lot to these conversations!)
C: Do you know his name Mom?
Me: No, I don't know his name either.
C: I 'member his name.
Me: Oh.
C: And when they finish that story, they can read 'nuther story! ..... and when they finish that story, they can read 'nuther one!!
Me: Yes! They can!

Later she was trying to say "goat" and she kept saying "got," "God," "go," etc. Finally she spit it out. Then she laughed and laughed and exclaimed, "I couldn't say it right!"

C: This story bout a ant and a dove.
Me: A dove is a kind of bird.
C: I like doves. A heron is kind of like a bird!
Me: Yes, a heron is a kind of bird and a dove is another kind of bird.
C: I like herons.
Me: Do you?
C: Uh huh. ..... kitties are kind of like birds.
Me: No, kitties are not at all like birds.
C: We're kind of like birds.
Me: No, we're not like birds either.
C: Are we being silly???
Me: You're being silly!

Sadie had to ride on my lap since there was no room anywhere else in the cab and it was raining out so she couldn't ride in the bed of the truck. Our whole drive was punctuated by Clara asking, "What's Sadie doing Mom?" or "What's Sadie doing now?" or "Where's Sadie? I can't see her!" as well as, "Awwww, good gor (=girl) Sadie" in a completely patronizing tone.

Ohhh my. We were in stitches.

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