Thursday, December 29, 2011


One thing that I have really tried to focus on for Clara is toys that are multipurpose, spark imagination, or can be used in more than one way. For Christmas Gramma made Clara fabric squares similar to these ones, and they embody all of the above characteristics! Luke and I had a blast on Christmas night making different designs with them and Clara enjoyed doing that with me for a little while today too. But then, they instantly transformed into something else - "beds" for the animals in her dollies barn. It was so sweet to watch her carefully place each square and then gently set each animal down. So fun! Laurie and Emily (the dollies) even used another square as a picnic blanket!

Clara was such a sweet little nurse to her sick Daddy today, taking him crackers and drinks, snuggling with him on the couch, patting his arm gently. She loves to help and loves to take care of people, which is so sweet to watch! Both qualities I want to foster in her.

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