Monday, December 12, 2011

Horsey Swing!

Remember not too long ago I was bemoaning the fact that Clara never wanted to go outside anymore? Well, I am reminded again how much these things go in phases. These days, she asks to go outside all the time. At least one of her current favorite friends (Baby Joy, Panda, little Kitty, Bojangles or Caramel the bears...) always comes with us and 99% of the time the excursion goes like this: we walk around the yard for a little bit or, if there's snow, I pull Clara around in her sled. Then she swings on her blue swing for awhile. Then she gets cold, asks for a snack, and we come inside. Although I wish she was getting more exercise outside, I'm glad she's at least getting the fresh air! Today, though, our morning trip outdoors had an extra stop - her horsey swing! Grandma Pat (our dear friend and client) had this swing at her house and gave it to Clara last summer. It's still a little big for her and although she's sat on it a few times, she hasn't felt too sure about it. But today she sat on it for quite awhile and just snuggled up to the horse's head while I swung it gently back and forth. Some geese flew overhead and we got to watch them as they honked their way over our house. It was lovely to have a little deviated from the norm!

Clara is just talking up a storm these days and saying some of the funniest things! I need to be better about writing them down throughout the day because by the end of the day when I sit down here to write, my brain is fried and I can never remember the things I wanted to write down! I know there were things I wanted to write tonight, but I've sat here for at least five minutes trying to remember them with no luck, so I'm heading to bed. Maybe they'll come to me tomorrow!

Despite being exhausted, I am so thankful for the wonderful day we had today. I was anticipating a day full of emotions and melt-downs, since Clara was up late last night and woke up early this morning. While there were a few rough moments, we had no major meltdowns and all in all it was a very smooth and cheerful day. It's just such a reminder to me that when I take the time to slow down and really pay attention to Clara instead of just getting caught up in what I want to do - not in a waiting-on-her way but in an observant, aware of her needs way - our day is so much nicer all around and, as a bonus, we usually get more done too! I have found myself lately gravitating towards rigid boundaries and lines in the sand (which is odd, since I was incredibly flexible with her as an infant and young toddler) and these only create battles neither one of us wants to fight and we're each mad at the other for fighting. But, surprise surprise, when I remind myself that though she acts so old sometimes she is still so young and I remember to be flexible and playful with her, she returns the favor a hundred fold and becomes so much more flexible and cheerful with me. Hmmm, that sounds familiar. Something about doing unto others....?

Wow, I've gotten wordy tonight. A sure sign that I need to head to bed.

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