Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Is it a Hat?

Clara couldn't quite decide. She was "helping" me strain chicken stock. Thankfully we hadn't used the strainer yet!

Our dinner conversation (pretty typical of the conversations we have these days):
Clara: Does Daada have a swing at her house?
Luke: No, I don't think so.
Mama: She doesn't have a swing at her house, but I think there is a playground near her house with a swing.
Clara: She has a playground at her house!
M: No, but there's one near her house. She can drive there.
L: Maybe when she moves to Saskatchewan she will have a swing set at her house and we could visit her there sometime.
C: We can if you want to.
M: Yeah, maybe sometime we could.
C: We can visit her if we want to.
L: Would you like to visit her sometime?
C: Uh huh. If we want to, we can visit her.
M: Someday, that would be fun.

Earlier this evening she saw an old pair of her boots and asked whose boots they were. We told her they were too small for her but we were saving them in case we have more kids in our family some day. This led to a whole conversation about kids and babies and adding to our family which I wish I could recount, but it would take way too long! Clara said she would like to have more people in our family and suggested, "Maybe Ana" (a friend her age). I tried to explain that, if we had someone new in our family it would be somebody she didn't know. All night she kept saying randomly, "Somebody I don't know. Somebody I don't know, Mama." We'll see if she remembers the conversation tomorrow!

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