Monday, December 26, 2011

New Hats!

Clara and baby Joy got new hats for Christmas, handmade by Gramma. They are super soft and colorful! We had a great time today out in the sunshine. First we delivered cookies, ornaments and homemade marmalade to our sweet neighbors, then Daada pushed Clara in her stroller for awhile, but when Mama tried to take over Clara decided she'd rather push than be pushed, so she pushed baby Joy for a long time. They had a blast!

Clara did not nap today. Oh, she was in her crib for over two hours, but every time I'd think "Oh, I haven't heard her for a few minutes, maybe she finally fell asleep," she'd start talking, calling, squealing, singing or letting me know she was still awake in some other way. Why is it that she always seems to do this when she is the most tired and in greatest need of a good sleep? But that's not the point of this story. Because in every trial there is a germ of joy, yes? On the flip side of every "terrible" moment (though not napping can't truly be described as terrible, I don't think) there is something terrific waiting to be discovered. When I finally got Clara up from her nap, I asked her if she was still very sleepy, which she said she was. Then I told her that when we are sleepy and tired, it is easy to feel whiny (something she has been struggling with lately). But if she felt whiny this evening, instead of whining I wanted her to tell me, "Mommy, I need some snuggles!"

I have to say, it worked remarkably well! For about an hour afterward she frequently ran up to me and announced, "Mommy, I need snuggles!" Of course, I was more than happy to comply. We still had a few whiny moments but each time she began to whine I simply asked, "Oh, do you need snuggles?" She either said yes, we snuggled and it was better, or she said no, stopped whining and ran away. I think this will be a frequently employed "technique" in our house. God knows I can certainly always use more snuggles from my little girl!

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