Monday, September 5, 2011

Puddle Stomping

After some severe thunderstorms last night, we had lots of puddles and a mini river running through our backyard! During a break in the rain this morning (it's raining steadily again now), Clara had a blast stomping in the puddles and getting thoroughly wet and dirty. Thankfully, she had picked an older hand-me-down dress to wear this morning and had decided, all on her own, to wear her boots when she went outside with Daddy.

Favorite non-photographed moment of the day: Clara lying on the floor at our friends' house tonight with her head on a "pillow," pretending to sleep while her friend Ana (2 1/2) sang "Rock-a-bye Baby" to her.


  1. Erin, this blog is a really great idea!!!
    What a joy for the rest of us!

  2. Thanks Uncle Eddie! I'm having lots of fun with it!

  3. Amen! What Uncle Eddie said :)
