Friday, November 11, 2011

Out for a Stroll

Although it was chilly and breezy today, much colder than the rest of the week, we still bundled up and went out for a bit. While Luke and I stacked firewood, Clara pushed Baby Joy all around the driveway for a very long time. They had a blast!

Later this afternoon Clara was pushing Baby Joy around inside and they went all sorts of places - the grocery store (where they got "cash back"), the gas station (apparently Baby Joy's stroller runs on gas?), the grocery store again and who knows where else. As they passed through the kitchen where I was making dinner Clara would say things like, "We be back later. Have a nice day, Mom!" Gave me visions of her in 15 years!!

As we were petting Sadie tonight Clara got up, grabbed "something" off her little blue table and said, "Here Sadie, here some moneys for you." I asked, "Oh, did you get money for Sadie? That's nice." *pause* "No Mom, Sadie not have hands for money."

At dinner Luke and Clara were being completely silly and she asked, "What happened to you, Daddy?"
"I fell out of a tree and bonked my head on a rock."
"I got hit by lightning."
*looking up at the kitchen light*
Mama: "Yes, he did!"
Clara: "That's weird!!!"
Luke and I both just about died with laughter.

1 comment:

  1. Someone needs to put some socks on poor baby Joy's cold feet! And a coat, hat, and mittens... or would that be weird?!
