Monday, January 9, 2012

Ready for the Day

Here's Clara with everything she needs to start the day: Panda, blankie, water and - instead of a sweater - a blanket-cape! Our house was chilly this morning but she refused my offer of a sweater, sweatshirt or fleece, asking me instead to wrap her up in her soft blankie. She stood like this and just stared out the window for quite some time. Then she started slowly walking around the room saying, "I'm awake. So I'm just wandering around..... I still really sleepy."

This morning I asked her if she wanted to make bread with me and she replied, "Umm, I'm pretty busy..." She did end up making bread with me, I guess she was able to clear her schedule! I got the same response when I asked if she was ready to eat lunch, "I really busy playing right now."

I told her about the stray cow that ended up in our yard last night while she was sleeping and she thought that was hilarious! She kept talking about the cow and ended up telling me that it was from Bethlehem, in Judea, where it lived with the wise mens, and it liked Bethlehem.

This evening she spent at least half an hour wandering around the house with Luke, "looking for our airplane" and waiting for the airplane to come and take them to Montana to see Baaba and Daada. I know I keep talking about it, but her imagination is something else these days! She keeps coming up with longer and more involved story lines!

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