Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7

First hair cut!

Clara was SO excited about going to get her hair cut all afternoon. We talked about how she would sit in a big chair and watch in the mirror, and a man named Kevin would cut her hair, etc., and she was squealing with excitement as we got out of the truck. We walked into the salon, she took one look around and started sobbing. "I want to go to my house! Mommy, I want to go back to my house!"

I sat in the chair with her til she calmed down a bit and then asked if Kevin could just brush her hair and clip it a little bit. Her reply? "Maybe later..."

We took some more deep breaths and Kevin began (very gently) combing her hair while her head was buried in my chest. She finally looked up to check out the mirror and he took the opportunity to put some clips in her hair. All of a sudden, she was hooked! She thought those clips were so cool and when he took the first snip of her hair and handed it to her, she got a huge smile on her face. After that she was much happier. She started smiling and laughing and we had a blast. I love this picture because it shows her half-smile of starting to enjoy the process but still not completely sure about a stranger being so close to her.

By the end she was so excited she was having trouble sitting still and once she was done she hopped down and ran around laughing and chattering. Success! She talked about Kevin the rest of the evening and one of her thankful things at bedtime was "going to the hair salon." Hopefully next time we can have fun sans tears.

Her hair cut both makes her look so much different and doesn't change her at all. I know that doesn't make any sense. But her hair was shorter right around her face anyway so I think that is part of it. The cut is so cute and it does make her look older but I thought it would make her look completely different. Of course, she's still her same terrific self and when I look at her, that's what I see. Oh, how I love that silly little girl!

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